Climate Dreams March 24, 2024

Please feel free to share any dreams you have had about our destabilizing climate in the comments section – they will be anonymized before they are posted.

One night in December 2021, I had a series of disturbing dreams in which the world as we know it came to end. In the course of a single day, everything broke down — the climate, the industrial order, the rules of civil society — and the results were not pleasant at all. It won’t happen quite so dramatically in real life, of course, but the message of these dreams for me was that the end of modern civilization is coming, and it will come much sooner than most people expect or will be prepared for. – Anonymous

I’ve had at least three climate dreams recently: (I keep a journal, which is why I know the dates)

July 7, 2023 Cycling down a long, steep, straight road, with views of piedmont and flatlands spreading away to the left. Flying! Like a kid. On my right, a wall of oak trees, all uniformly red, an incredible color—like coals that have the faintest sheen of ash over them. What kind of trees are those? Someone asks and I say Oak, but then, looking closer, every kind of tree in the forest is this same gorgeous, unearthly color. Then, scene change, and I am losing my friend M in a train station where the signs (bafflingly) refer to both London and Ohio. Scanning the crowds for her shining cap of red hair. But everyone in the platform has red hair: a seething mass of shades of red. I wake up and think of this quote from Tolkien: It’s a red day–ride, ride to ruin and the world’s ending. (and the temperature outside is apocalyptic for here: 90 degrees)

Sept. 3, 2023 On a sailboat in Caribbean-blue waters, but there are big chunks of ice floating everywhere. Someone says, Oh, that’s the Antarctic ice shelf. And a feeling of deep sadness. (This was the day Jimmy Buffet died, which I think has something to do with the dream)

Sept. 20 I’m floating down a canal, or a flooded street, in a giant inner tube, among others doing the same. Bumping into various people, one of whom is a plump, sweet-faced girl who I realize is my grand-niece. I say, what do you think now? And she looks puzzled. There’s no way to stop though so I just float on away from her. The water is murky. I am concerned because she is standing waist-deep in it. (Her politics have veered to the right in recent years. We used to be very close) – Anonymous

I dreamed that climate change was deliberately caused by billionaires who needed better conditions to grow their brain-enhancing meteor spores.

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