Climate Dreams March 2024

Please feel free to share any dreams you have had about our destabilizing climate in the comments section – they will be anonymized before they are posted.

In the dream, I am suddenly aware of a very loud sound, like an alarm, coming from invisible loudspeakers in the sky. No one else around me seems to notice. I look up into the sky and see a vivid scene playing out. I figure out quickly that the scene is meant to show people what is happening at an unseen level, in this case, what is happening in the ocean. With the sky as a kind of movie screen, whales are shown thrashing around, contorting as if they are in great pain. Some are dying. It’s not just a film, it’s real, it’s a reflection of what is happening in the oceans. I point to the sky to try to get people around me to notice, but they don’t seem to care. Some of the people are my friends. I don’t understand why they aren’t upset. In the next moment a large group of birds appear and they are wheeling wildly in the sky. In seconds they all slam into the ground. I’m horrified because I can hear the impact of their bodies on the concrete, and can see their bodies on the ground. I know this has something to do with the hundreds of millions of birds who die every year in the US when they hit buildings and windows. This dream was more of a nightmare for me, and I feel like I am supposed to do something to stop the suffering and death of animals, I just don’t know what to do anymore.

~ Anonymous

R.W.W. Greene (He/him)

Had a dream last night that I — and either or — were defending a ferryboat full of climate refugees by using Harry Potter spells. Apparently, I was saying them in my sleep.

Emily Stepp

I had a dream the other night that alligators’ native range expanded into the midwest region because of climate change. Probably not that unrealistic.


Had a weird dream. Was at a meeting with world leaders. And I insisted they showed a particularly powerful episode of The Simpsons, that dealt with climate change. People were in tears by the end of the screening and the whole tone of the meeting after was transformational.

Matthew R Francis

I have that kind of dream often (I’m usually late by like six hours or two days or something ridiculous like that). Last night’s was … I had inherited the family farmhouse, but there was a league of supervillains working on “solving” climate change by making other things worse, etc.

Climate change is bad but last night I had a dream that a colony of Wood Storks was nesting near me here in Michigan, and it was awesome.

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