Climate Dreams – August 2023

I had a dream last night I can’t stop thinking about, and then today while cleaning out my inbox I stumbled upon this eerily apt forum for it.

At the start of the dream, suddenly the world went dark. All humans and animals received the message – an announcement – that the sun had died, and sea levels would soon rise – implying that’s how the world would end in the next few days. I see a whale carrying a group of people (almost like a cruise ship) receive the message in the shape of something (UFO-ish) covering its eyes before it nods in understanding and swims away to deeper water with all those people aboard. I was on a boat with my best high school friend (we’re from Massachusetts and spend time on cape cod). We go to shore, walk through familiar cape cod streets to her house to see her mom and dad. (Her mom passed away 3 years ago). Her mom tells me that my mom will come to be with her when the end comes.

I spent the rest of the dream truly believing the world was ending and haven’t been able to shake that feeling since I woke up. I’m 30 btw for data purposes. ~ Anonymous

Some quick context: My dreams weren’t specifically about climate change but I think they’re tied to it. Last week I saw a news update about how climate change is causing really high ocean temperatures in some areas and wiping out entire coral reefs. And I also read about two incidents in the past few weeks where pilot whales have been purposely beaching themselves en masse off the coast of Australia – which to be fair, the reasons for the beachings are still unknown. But I had a conversation with my mother about how our actions, or inaction in some cases, are making seas unlivable for so many creatures — because of climate change, pollution, technology, etc. And we might start to see many extinctions of aquatic species. Then that night I had the following dreams:

I was working as a manager at an auto shop and when I looked out the window I saw a new species of penguin that looked part human (the body was penguin but the head was human, and the eyes were cartoonishly big and shimmery blue like you might see on a stuffed animal). It was a mama penguin and her baby. I told a coworker that I really wanted to go see these penguins in their natural habitat some day and she said we should go to Tierra del Fuego because it was nearby and we could even walk there. So we walked over to Tierra del Fuego 😆 and when we get there, there’s a music festival going on with people all over the place and music blasting. And all I could think was, “how completely irresponsible! These poor penguins can’t even enjoy their own space now because of us!”

Then in another dream I went to a club with a friend and to be let in you had to put your hand through a mouth-like space in this giant wooden door. And inside there’s a giant eel-like tongue that you have to put your hand on so it would open the door. I was so disgusted but I did it and someone who runs the club came out and started telling us all about the tongue. He said it was a marine species and that the most difficult thing about dealing with them is trying to get them to clean the toilets. And he even showed us the toilets and tried to get it to eat the junk in there right in front of us. And suddenly I felt so sad for the tongue eels because I realized these horrible people were forcing them to eat sh*t.

~ Anonymous

It started as one of those reality competition shows…I don’t remember much, but my team was diverse and we were tasked with waterproofing this 2 story white home, we were on the sand and the tide started to come in fast…so fast…and tall…as big as buildings and in the water encroaching on us were whales mostly…some other sea creatures and a white horse speeding towards me in front of the wave. Then I woke up with just that image of the wave and white horse…speeding towards me. I didn’t feel doom or particularly frightened…just and acknowledgement of this is what’s happening. ~ Anonymous

I also had one that featured a very industrial, metallic, city…not much nature…bikes were stored and you were able to get and use these foldable bikes from point A to point B…they were for everyone to use…then after everyone got a bike we used them and dropped them off. They were featured on some sort of hanging dispenser….flash to the other part of the dream, this was in the future, everyone used a scientific device as big as an air tag perhaps. We clipped it onto our chests and then could leap great distances with ease…the length of bridges and football fields…using some sort of gravitational pull. When I awoke I told my sister but told her I wasn’t sure I’d want these inventions to be made as the amount of waste produced by them was enormous and the sky was grayish brown and foggy..

~ Anonymous

I was under the ocean in a white type of undersea train…on either side were huge windows showing the giant jellyfish swimming next to us. They were absolutely beautiful ~ Anonymous

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